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Tuesday 19 August 2014

How to Make Custard the Easy Way, to go With Pudding and Trifle

The Secret of Making Smooth Custard to pour over your Pudding

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Custard is a delicious accompaniment to any pudding -
but does your custard turn out lumpy?

What goes wrong? How do you stop the lumps forming in the first place, or, if necessary, get rid of the lumps in your custard once you've made it?

The secret of lump-free custard is revealed below, and you can benefit from my experience gleaned from making custard regularly whilst I was helping to run a restaurant.

These are the Things You Need to Make Custard

- A jug,
- a measuring jug,
- a measuring spoon,
- a spoon for stirring,
- custard powder,
- milk,
- sugar,
- and, of course, a saucepan

Bird's Custard Powder 300g

Method for Making Perfect Custard:

It's so easy to make custard - just follow the instructions on the packet or tin

Making custard This is the easy way to make custard from a packet or tin – not the gourmet’s way of starting from scratch, using eggs.

We haven’t got time for all that, have we?

As long as it’s quick, simple to make, and tastes nice, that’s all we need worry about.

That’s what you have here, in this recipe, which has been good enough for my family ever since I was a child. And that speaks volumes, because in my family, we all love our food.
  • Serves: 4
  • Prep Time:
  • Total Time:


  • 2-3 heaped dessert spoons Powdered Custard
  • 1 pint of milk or you can use half milk and half water
  • 1-2 dessert spoons of sugar


  1. Basically, you put about 3/4 pint of milk (or part milk, part water although they don't tell you that) to heat up in a saucepan.
  2. Put the required amount of custard powder with l or 2 dessert spoons of sugar, according to how sweet you like it, into a large jug.
  3. Add about a tablespoon full of milk and mix to a smooth paste. Then gradually add a little of the warmed milk, and again mix to a smooth paste. Gradually add all the milk to the jug, and mix thoroughly,
  4. Then pour the whole mixture into the saucepan, and stir furiously whilstheating it slowly on a low heat, to ensure that lumps don't form, being careful to scrape the bottom and sides. Let it bubble and boil for a minute, and you should have smooth and beautiful custard without a lump in sight.
  5. If you have not followed my instructions to the letter, you might have a few lumps, and, as lumpy custard is an abomination, pass the mixture through a strainer into a jug. The strainer will hold back all the lumps.

The Secret of Making Smooth Custard Without Lumps:

Lumpy custard is disgusting!

Have patience:

- Ensure powder is completely
   mixed with liquid
- Add heated milk to mixture in jug
- Mix thoroughly
- Only then pour whole lot into saucepan
- Boil slowly
- Stir constantly
- Squash all lumps as they form

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How to Make Custard

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