Halloween Miscellany and Free Halloween Pictures
This is a Halloween miscellany, with lots of pictures, my own and other people's, and also some information about Halloween and Walpurgis Night, a quiz and a poll and a poem I wrote for the occasion.
Image: Photo by Diana Grant /Glorious Confusion
Take a drink from the poisoned chalice
And remember, there's many a slip
'twixt cup and lip
-Image: Photo by -
Diana Grant /Glorious Confusion
List of Things to do in time for Halloween:
- Get in the Goodies
- Get out the Invitations
- Sort out the Decorations
- Dig out the Disguises
- Plan Halloween food and
- Get Ready to meet the Supernatural
Here's a ghoulish little poem I wrote - Just skip it if it looks too scary!
What do you do on Halloween?
Halloween activities:

There is also a fortune telling game, where young women peel an apple in one long strip, and then toss the peel over their shoulder. It is then inspected to see what alphabetical letter it represents, and that (of course) is the initial of the man they are going to marry. It works every time - not! I remember doing this when I was at school over fifty years ago. Regrettably, I can't remember whether I ever got the initial "J" - my husband's initial - but as I later got divorced, it was a somewhat underwhelming result!
Other activities include fancy dress parties, telling ghost storiesand watching horror filmsabout such abominations as Dracula, Frankenstein and other Monsters, Weirwolves, murderous maniacs on Halloween, Mummies, Zombies, The Witches of Salem and other stories about witchcraft, exorcism and the undead, of the "I'm immortal and I'm coming to get you" variety.
-Trick 'r Treat-
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Why "Trick or Treat"?
In the Middle Ages, on special occasions such as Christmas and All Hallows' Day (1st November) it was customary for the poor to dress up, sometimes in fancy dress, to go begging by knocking from door to door, asking for food and money (alms) in return for prayers for the dead. Sometimes they would perform by singing a song, such as Wassailing at Christmas.
Nowadays children dress up and go to houses asking "Trick or Treat?" - in effect mild blackmail, asking for a gift or threatening some mischief. Traditionally if the homeowner does not give them a Halloween treat such as sweets, cake or coins, they will play a prank or trick, which might take the form of throwing an egg or mud at the window of the householder (who, presumably, has kept all the lights switched off and is lurking about with head below the window parapet, pretending they are not in, or, worse, coming to the door and telling the children to go away).
It's quite paradoxical that a custom which started in Europe and only went to America in the 20th Century has been far more prevalent and popular in the USA than in the UK - that is, until recently, when commercial markets saw their opportunity and grabbed it very successfully. All my own pictures in this web page were from photographs I took in our local 99p shop, and I was amazed by the variety and quality of goodies you could buy for under £1.00 (approximately $1.50).
How much do you know about protecting yourself against Vampires?
One bite of those fangs in your neck and you are doomed to turn into a vampire yourself, joining the realms of the undead!
One bite of those fangs in your neck and you are doomed to turn into a vampire yourself, joining the realms of the undead!
Halloween Skulls - a Horrid Sight
Are you frightened yet?
Spooky Door Knobs
-Image: Photo by
--Diana Grant /Glorious Confusion
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Walpurgis has its roots in ancient pagan superstitions, customs, and festivals. At that time of year, the Vikings would light big bonfires to scare away evil spirits - a ritual to hasten the arrival of Spring and ensure fertility for their crops and livestock. According to ancient legends, Walpurgis was the last chance for witches and evil spirits to stir up trouble before Spring arrived.
-You can find this Image on
--Eugene Plawiuk's Blog
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I hope you don't meet this fearsome ghost creepng up on you in the night, because it might scare the pants off you:
Nobody would be there to rescue you, and you would have to keep your new companion company until first light of dawn, whereupon he would disappear and never be seen again.
Naturally, it might just be a figment of your imagination - materialising as a result of your celebrating a bit too vigorously with alcohol or halucinogenic substances.
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-You Can Get this scary Fire-Breathing Monster Design on a Mug or T-Shirt on Zazzle:
Fire-Breathing Aztec Mug - Titled "Hot Stuff"by GloriousConfusion
See more Travel Mugs
Tie - Burning Skullsby GloriousConfusion
Browse Weird Ties
- You Can Get this Burning Skull Design on a T-Shirt on Zazzle:
T-Shirt - Burning Skullby GloriousConfusion
Make custom tee shirtsat zazzle.co.uk
-A Haunted House Party Invitation:
Halloween Party Invitation - haunted houseby GloriousConfusion
Browse more Halloween Invitations
--If you would like to see more of my designs (plenty for Halloween, including aprons and party invitations), go to my Zazzle Store: Glorious Confusion
-What did you think of the poem and Halloween scary pictures?
What's on your mind?
Naturally, if you wish to expand into more of an essay, that's fine too!
It's just nice to know who has been visiting
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